Build a web3 application on Stacks

Develop a Web3 Application to interact with our Voting Smart Contract from the browser

  1. Set up the web app and authenticate with a wallet
  2. Call the voting smart contract
  3. Send transactions to the smart contract
  4. Finalize the web3 app

Set up the web app and authenticate with a wallet

In the previous tutorial, we learned to develop a simple Smart Contract for the Stacks blockchain. One question you may ask is how do people will interact with it? How will they call the "vote" function of the contract?
We can consider the Smart Contract as a piece of our back-end. This part will focus on the front-end part: the "Web3 app".

πŸ’‘ In this first article, we will set up our web app and some tools (Docker, Hiro Wallet). Although it's not the funniest part, we must go through this.

The (web) stack

When developing Smart Contracts on Bitcoin, the choices are currently pretty limited; Stacks and Clarity to the rescue. Whereas building a web application offers a lot of options. The following tech stack is used in this tutorial:

The purpose of this tuto is to focus on the interactions between our app and the Stacks ecosystem. So we won't go into details regarding the tech libraries, feel free to try and follow along with any tools you are comfortable with.

Use Stacks Wallet and the Devnet

We will use the Hiro Wallet.
It is recommended to set up a dedicated "development" session in your web browser with the Hiro Wallet and some developer tools. You want to keep your real wallet separated since we'll need to connect to a fake one now. Open the Voting smart contract project, find the file settings/Devnet.toml, you'll find here a list of Stack accounts. These fake accounts are used with clarinet test. We'll also use it to connect to the Devnet locally. You can run $ clarinet integrate to launch the Devnet, you'll need Docker to be running.

πŸ‘‰ The Devnet is a Stacks environment that runs on your computer.

If not done already, open the Hiro Web Wallet, select "Already have a Stacks account? Sign in with Secret Key" and use a Secret Key from your Devnet settings. Make sure not to use a real one. Once connected, click on "Change Network" and pick Devnet.

Now that our Wallet is wired to the Devnet and that we are authenticated with our fake account. Let's set up our web app.

Getting started with micro-stacks

Download this project (branch: "step-0") to follow along. Run:

$ npm i
$ npm run dev

Your application should be running on localhost:3003.

Have a look at the to understand more about the setup. It's a simple project with an empty page and a few UI components. Here begins the fun part.

$ npm install micro-stacks zustand

micro-stacks (docs)

Micro-stacks is a light library to build Stacks apps. It integrates with the Stacks Wallet for the Web and will allow us to communicate with Smart contracts. In this tutorial, we will mainly use it to authenticate, call read-only or public functions, and check the status of transactions.


Zustand is a light state management library for React. I chose it because of its simplicity. It has a low amount of boilerplate needed and is unopinionated. Think Redux or the Context API, but simpler and funnier.

Authenticate with the Stacks Wallet

Micro-stacks exposes a method called authenticate that will open a Wallet pop up and ask for the user permissions to authenticate. Here is what it looks like:

import { authenticate } from 'micro-stacks/connect'

// ...
  const session = await authenticate({ appDetails: {
    name: 'Colors Vote Tuto',
    icon: `localhost:3003/src/favicon.svg`,
  } })

Since this session object will be much needed, it will be stored in a Zustand store.
Our store will look like that (see below for the TS version):


import { authenticate } from 'micro-stacks/connect'
import create from 'zustand'

export const useAuth = create((set) => ({
  session: null,

  connect: async () => {
    const session = await authenticate({
      appDetails: { name: 'Colors Vote Tuto', icon: `/src/favicon.svg` },
    set({ session })

Here is a slightly better version with TypeScript and error handling


import { StacksSessionState, authenticate } from 'micro-stacks/connect'
import create from 'zustand'

interface AuthStore {
  session: StacksSessionState | null
  connect: () => Promise<void>

const appDetails = {
  name: 'Colors Vote Tuto',
  icon: `localhost:3003/src/favicon.svg`,

export const useAuth = create<AuthStore>((set) => ({
  session: null,

  connect: async () => {
    try {
      const session = await authenticate({ appDetails })
      if (!session) throw new Error('invalid session')
      set({ session })
    } catch (err) {

This store will be used in the Header component to open the popup when the button is clicked. Import useAuth, it's a hook that exposes a connect method that is passed to onClick.


// imports...
import { useAuth } from '../stores/useAuth'

export const Header = () => {
  const { connect, session } = useAuth()

  return (
      <Container className="h-16 flex justify-between items-center">
        <H1>Color App</H1>

        {session ? null : <Button onClick={connect}>Connect Wallet</Button>}

That is all for now. Please check the pull request associated with this article to see two other implemented features:


We've seen in this introduction how to quickly set up a web app project with some great tools. Thanks to micro-stacks and zustand, our first interaction with the Hiro Wallet was quite simple to integrate.

We'll see in the following article how to call our contract and fetch the vote options.

πŸ’» Read the code on GitHub. The source code of this article is on this branch.
There is a PR associated with this article.